Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ancients in the Modern World

There are a number of real historical figures from the Ancient world who are still revered today by their cultural descendants.  These mortal heroes include Boudicca (a British Queen), Vercingetorix (a Gallic rebel), and  Decebalus (the last King of Dacia- modern Romania).  Each has been immortalized with sculptural representations of themselves, much the way we have immortalized the four presidents on Mt. Rushmore or Lincoln with his memorial.  Follow the links below to read further on these ancient heroes.



Now compare to some of our own historical monuments:

1. Do you think that our own cultural heroes will continue to be remembered and revered 2000 years later?  Why or why not?

2. If you could memorialize anyone who would it be and why?  Do you think that this figure would be memorialized as long?

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